ACTS = Action, Compassion, Teaching and Service


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19-20, ESV)

  • Bringing the Gospel and Torah to Africa

  • Making disciples


“For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’” (Deuteronomy 15:11)

  • Taking care of the orphans, widows and the fatherless

  • Reaching out to the poor and needy


“And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Yeshua as the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42)

  • Teaching the complete word of God

  • Teaching discipleship

  • Helping children receive education

  • Changing lives


“…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 20:28)

  • Feeding those who are hungry

  • Serving through example